Aangesloten bij de Nederlandse Bond van Vogelliefhebbers

Vogelfoto's vanuit India

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Wildlife tour India:

Vogelfoto's vanuit India


(c) Abhijit Gandhi Dhr Gandhi is 34 jaar een woont in Pune een groeiende IT Stad in India. Hij maakt veel foto's van Vogels in Nationale parken. Lees zijn eigen verhaal: I am located in Pune, an upcoming IT city of India. I am a freelancer in the field of Architectural Computer Visualization. Nature is my love and due to that i have got in to photography. Here in india, there are many Sanctuaries, National parks and india boasts huge bio-diversity. So we are blessed with a huge variety of birds, mammals, butterflies, insects and what not! Due to development, nature is affected a lot and that is what worries any nature lover.


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